There is a problem with the MOT history API V2, missing Bulk and Delta files between 19-22 October
Incident Report for MOT Service Status
We have identified a problem with the MOT history API V2. Due to a technical issue, delta files were not issued between 19th-22nd October for the MOT History API V2. The issue impacting the deltas has now been resolved however as a result, local datasets will now be missing changes from the 4 dates mentioned above.

In order to get your data updated and refreshed, we recommend users download the latest available bulk data file (currently dated 23rd October) and any subsequent delta files. This will ensure that your data is fully up-to-date and any updates impacted by the missing delta files are downloaded.

For further guidance on how to download the bulk and the daily deltas please refer to
Posted Oct 23, 2024 - 16:30 BST
This incident affected: MOT history API v2.